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I am leaving to Europe in a few days, and start off in Paris for about 4 days. I have never been before, and Paris is my dream destination. Would it be worth giving up a day in Paris to visit Versailles? Does it really take a full day to see? Also, what is the best/easiest way to get to Versailles from Paris? On a different note, what is the best way to get from the airport to my a taxi too expensive or can I take a bus or metro? I am staying in the Montparnasse area on the Left Bank.
Thanks so much for helping this inexperienced traveler! :)

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2349 posts

Unless you are a nut for the French Revolution, I think you can skip it this trip. I would like to see it sometime, but on our 4 day trip to Paris, we found plenty to do without going to Versailles.

Posted by
162 posts

There are many other people here much more knowledgeable about Paris than I am, but here is what I think.

You can get to Versailles on the RER fairly quickly, Line C. Versailles is crowded, but this is late in the season, so I doubt it will be as crowded as the summer. I have been, and it is gorgeous inside, if you like Louis the something furniture and decorations. A trip to Versailles doesn't have to take all day but it will be several hours of your time. And the gardens are a nice and less crowded distraction.

I never take taxis, public transport for me.

The Rick Steves' Paris book has everything you need to know about Paris. I wish I had it for my visit last month.

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8700 posts

IMO, since you'll only be in Paris four days--and on the first day you won't get in a full day of sightseeing because it will take you some time to check into your hotel--you can easily skip Versailles this time. However, for the record, the best way to get to Versailles is to take the RER C to Versailles-Rive Gauche. Be aware that the C line divides on the west side of Paris so be sure to get on a train that is going to Versailles-Rive Gauche.

Depending upon traffic conditions, a taxi from CDG to the Montparnasse area will cost 50-60 euro. For 8.50 euro you can take the RER B into Paris and transfer to the Metro to get to the station closest to your hotel. Give us the name and address of your hotel and we'll suggest a good route.

For detailed instructions, including photos, on taking the RER B from CDG to Paris, go to the Paris by Train site.

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1326 posts

I would also skip Versailles if it was my first trip to Paris and had only four days, but only you can decide what you want to do based on your interests.

Posted by
2030 posts

I agree with most posters, unless you have a great passion for seeing it, stay in Paris this time and save Versailles for your next visit. But you should have at least one good Paris guidebook to help you select the sights you want to see.

Posted by
2755 posts

I was in Paris for the first time last month. We had 6 days in Paris and were thinking we would head to Versailles late one afternoon for a quick look. (I am not that into elaborate palaces, but I wanted to see the gardens.) Well, we never made it. We really enjoyed Paris -- saw tons of stuff -- and ran out of time. Especially since Paris is your dream destination, I would skip Versailles this time.

Have a great trip!

Posted by
21 posts

Versailles was one of my favorite parts of a 6 day trip to France we just got back from last week. Granted Im a history nut and the stuff King Louis the 14th was able to do and build is nothing short of amazing. Actually the palace itself wasn't the best part, the gardens were. Absolutely beautiful, and HUGE. I was suprised how large actually, the water show wasn't anything special. The hamlet of Marie Antionette was great too. For me personally, I'd rather miss a day of sight seeing in Paris and see the splendor of Versaille, but thats just my vote :). Hope you have a blast!

Posted by
19 posts

I had four sightseeing days in Paris last year. Versailles was one of my must-sees, but it depends on your priorities. I can certainly understand why some would want to skip it. I left Paris in time to be there when it opened and was back in Paris by 2 in the afternoon, so I still had time to see some things in Paris that evening. I could have shortened the Versailles trip by about an hour if I had been a bit more careful in planning, and by about 2 hours if I had skipped the gardens.

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34 posts

I say skip. My first trip to Paris on a 4 day itinerary I went to Versailles and as a result missed D'Orsay and the Louvre. I am currently in Paris right now, and it is starting to rain a lot. Versailles has a wonderful garden which you can't appreciate when it is raining. I am on day 3 on a 5 day trip here in Paris and there doesn't seem to be enough time to do a lot of different things in an unhurried pace (trying to take my time and enjoy Paris as slow as possible lol).

As for getting to your hotel, if you are packing light, take public transportation or mass transit. There's an Air FRance bus from CDG to the Montparnasse tower. We arrived in Orly Airport coming from Lourdes and took the Air France bus to the Rue Cler are (plus Metro).

Have fun in Paris when you go and stay safe!

Have some pics at

Posted by
30 posts

Thank you everyone for your suggestions! If I can figure out how to do it in a half day, I may try, if not I will just skip it and leave it for next time as most of you recommended. I guess we will decide when we get there.
Thanks again! :)

Posted by
417 posts

Ana, you can do it in a half day. Versailles is one of my favorite places in the world. It is beautiful, refined, and just amazing!

Leave early on the RER, get there when it opens. Tour the palace, spend a few hours in the grounds, and head back to Paris in the early afternoon. It will be well worth your time. The palace is closed on Monday, but the gardens are free then. Even in this case, I would still go!

Personally, I can not stress enough the reasons to visit. No palace in the rest of Europe comes close. They all try to emulate it, but they just do not measure up.

Posted by
46 posts

I absolutely would go, and be sure to leave time to walk the gardens, out to the farm. Rent earphones/recording. I am not a Louis....nut, but it was amazing. Be sure to buy your admission at the train station, (if they still offer this) because it is cheaper, and you can avoid the lines at the Palace.

Posted by
409 posts

I would vote to go. It's a nice change of pace from Paris that I think you'll enjoy. Crowds should be minimal, and if you buy the Museum Pass, admission will be covered.

If you are an inexperienced traveler, I would definitely take a taxi from CDG. There are certainly cheaper ways to go, but given your jet lag it will be nice for you and your luggage to be dropped off right at the front door of your accommodations.

One unsolicited trip: Check into Bike About Tours ( We thoroughly enjoyed being introduced to Paris by bike - can't recommend highly enough. Read some of the reviews, including mine, on Tripadvisor and you'll see why I recommend it.

Enjoy your trip - you'll love Paris!

Posted by
792 posts

If you can just see the gardens at Versaille at night WITH the fountains running and classical music piped in, it is magical. I'm not sure if they do this in the fall, I was there in July. It cost about 25euro per person at started at 9:00pm. It was very impressive. I toured the gardens by day without the fountains and it wasn't nearly as exhilerating.

As for Paris, there is great nightlife on the Seine (at least in summer). I wish I had spent more time just walking along the banks and enjoying the music, dancing, picnicking etc...Also, we really enjoyed our picnic in Champ de Mars park waiting for the Eiffel Tower to light up and twinkle.