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Versailles questions

In the Rick Steves book, he mentions bypassing the regular line for tickets and taking the English language tour. The window is to the right of the regular ticket window. You can buy your ticket there along with the tour if you don't already have one. Does that help with the lines?? Two friends went and took a pricey guided tour. Of course someone escorted them on the train and they bypasses all of the madness. We will be driving our own car from the Normandy area and plan to arrive when it opens. It would cost 320 Euros for 4 hours for the 5 of us?? I'm not sure if the regular English tour at Versailles would charge for our 3 children ages 16, 14 adn 9, but even if they did, the cost would be substantially less. They both say that their tour guide ( same one) was absolutely fabulous. Anyone have any experience with the regular guided tour? Christine

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66 posts

Yes, if you get the regular guided tour at Versailles, you go through a special security line, bypassing the masses. Most of the tour is "behind the scenes" areas where the regular-paying folks can't go. The guided tour will end where you will pick up your audio guide, then go through the public portions of the Palace with everyone else. We went a little later in the day and only had about 20 people in our group.

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4412 posts

According to their website, "Commented Tours" are given in English and French; you find out that day's schedule at the Palace info point. The prices are (including audioguides): €16,00, or €7,00 in conjunction with an Estate ticket (Trianon Palaces and Marie-Antoinette's Estate, I presume - €10,00), and €7,00 for under 26 years of age. The Palace only is €15,00 already; so you're paying €1 for a guided tour, apparently...?!? Anybody know the answer for sure?!? From the website: "The different areas of the museum, the temporary exhibitions and the audioguides are accessible free of charge to schoolchildren, European Union residents under the age of 26, under-18s, teachers appointed to French schools, the disabled and the person
accompanying them, the unemployed with valid proof of status. People entitled to free tickets can go directly to the main entrance to the Palace on presentation of a valid justification." So, are ALL under-18s free, regardless of residence? That's how I read it...Also, if you are using your museum pass, can you add on the "Commented Tour" and if so, for how many more €? Sorry, the only experience I have with the guided tours (by their staff or private guides, I don't know) is that my husband and I were sandwiched between two groups, and they were most concerned that we were listening to them for free...they were so loud that everyone could hear them, but unless we just stood by all day, we couldn't help but be kind of swept along as part of one tour group or another...They were informative, as I recall...gave you plenty of time at each 'position' of the tour. But, whoever these tours were given by...they were probably 30+people = pretty large. BUT, Versailles is pretty large ;-)

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58 posts

It has been so long since I did the tour do not remeber. But please do not forget about the The Grand Trianon, and Marie-Antoinette's estate at Versailles, they are so worth it. I believe on Sunday's the garden fountains are going. Fat Tires has an all daycycle tour out of Paris were you see it all. And have a picnic lunch from the end of the canal looking back at the palace. I have a friend do it and they just loved it. If you cannot afford the tour, they do have trams that take you to all the buildings. You can have lunch buy the cannal and I believe they have paddle boats on the cannal also. Wendy

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893 posts

Yes, it is free for all under-18s. You will find most museums, chateaux, etc. are in France. However, it is not like this in other countries in Europe and is EU residents under 18 who get in free, or a charge for all children. Check websites o places you want to visit so you're not surprised.