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Valencia to Granada train?

My girlfriend and I are making our first trip (May of 2010) to Europe: two weeks in Spain. Can anyone give me some info (or web site links) on trains from Valencia to Granada? Do they run daily? Are there overnight trains available? Would it be more advisable to take a bus? Thank you for any and all feedback.

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4555 posts

The best place to check out schedules and fares in Spain is on the Spanish national rail website, RENFE. Don't worry about the Spanish you'll be able to run through the rest of it with enough English to get by nicely. This will allow you to check schedules up to 62 days out and to purchase discount tickets as well, which you will be able to print out at home. May of 2010 is a little beyond that 62 day limit right now, but you can do some checks for the coming weeks to get an idea as to frequency and prices. Web fares are 60% off, but they go quickly, so you have to try to get in 62 1/2 days in advance to grab them (since they start loading in the new tickets around midnight, Spanish time, they should be ready to purchase by about 8 pm your time, the night before.) Estrella fares are 40% off. For Valencia-Granada, there's one daytime train and one overnight train..with the journey taking about eight hours, with Web fares of 19 Euro.
Spain also has a well-developed and comfortable bus system. Most (but not all) larger bus companies in Spain have their schedules and fares on the Movelia website. Currently, there are four daytime buses and one overnight from Valencia to Granada. They take about eight hours as well, and prices are around 45 Euro.

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83 posts

Thank you, Norm and Steve, very much. I've travelled internationally very little. I spent three weeks in Ecuador once, but I was visiting my then-girlfriend and she handled everything. This time around, I'm the cruise director and it's a little overwhelming trying to put all the puzzle pieces together. Thanks again, guys.