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Vaison la Romaine with a car-parking?

We are trying to book aroom at L'Eveche which looks great but there is no description of where to park the car. Driving looks challenging to say the least. Anyone stayed there or elsewhere in this village?

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We stayed in Vaison in 2006 at Hotel le Beffroi. At that time you had to park outside the town in designated lots and walk in/up unless you were a resident or staying at a hotel. Our hotel had parking but getting the car, a really little car, through town was challenging but fun. Once there, you dont need to move the car for site seeing, shopping or eating in Vaison. However, if you do drive in town beware, most roads are one way because only 1 car can fit through, but sometimes the residents ignore this and you are stuck until one of you blinks and backs up. We refused to blink since we were obeying the signs and eventually the other driver backed up. I would try calling or emailing your hotel to see if they provide parking. It's a great village and I would definitely go again.