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Using a power strip for charging misc electronics

I have read the various posts regarding cell phones and charging in Europe here is my question just to make sure I "get it".
I will be in London, Paris, Amsterdam and Turin Italy.
If I take an American multi outlet power strip and I take an International adapter (with the various adapters for the different countries) can I successfully charge at one time the following:
2 blackberry storm phones, 1-2 Ipods, 1 camera battery charger? If you have alternate suggestions pls advise. Thanks for the feedback.

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15275 posts

The other alternative, if you want to carry less, is to get a Chargepod. I have one and it can charge 6 small electronic devices at once. One charger is all you need.


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9423 posts

Frank II, Thanks for the Chargepod info and link! Great to have here and in Europe!

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9363 posts

Only if the power strip is designed for European voltage (it will say something like 110-240v near the cord. If it doesn't say that, you would also need a converter.

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324 posts

You'll also need to make sure that both the strip and the adapter can handle the current you're drawing through all of the chargers. Check that the cumulative amperage of the devices doesn't exceed that of the adapter. Quite frankly, I wouldn't bother. iPod chargers, most battery charges, etc. can handle the range of voltages represented. (Check on the back of each charger to make sure.) All you'll really need is a plug adapter from any hardware store in any of the countries you've listed. Each adapter will run you roughly €1 and weigh next to nothing. Easy, cheap, and lightweight.

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23343 posts

Nancy that would only apply if the power strip had some type of built-in surge protection or other feature. If it is a straight pass through it would work. Be like an extension cord.