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trouble with Vueling online

I asked this on the transportation site...but am putting it in here b/c several of you had recommended Vueling for Rome-to-Paris flights. I've found their schedule to be much preferable to other choices like Ryanair (10:40 AM rather than 7:00!)...but am having trouble booking online. They keep rejecting my credit card, which is a first for me! We tried another card with no results. I checked w/my CC company, & they do not have any kind of 'hold' on the card (due to the airline being in Spain). Has anyone else had this experience? thanks...

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1003 posts

I successfully used a CapitalOne Visa many months ago to book my flight with them... are you sure they accept the CC you're trying to use (I had to by my traveling companion's flight because I remember Vueling didn't take AmEx)? I can't imagine what else it would be unless you are somehow not entering your account information exactly the same as your CC Company has it or something. Weird... do they have a phone number you can call? Even if it's in Spain you can grab a really cheap phone card at Target or WalMart and it's only a few cents a minute. Good luck!!

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11507 posts

I replied on otehr thread Jean, and YES, I had trouble too!( but I got my ticket)

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22 posts

Interesting...the person who phished out my ATM card had no problem getting Vueling Airlines to accept my card to purchase airfare online (even cleared my bank account)! Sorry--just had to mention that since other people are apparently having difficulty with this airline, but the bloody fool who ripped me off in another country somehow made it work!

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127 posts

That figures! Sorry for your phishing experience. I kept trying for a couple of wks b/c vueling had the better flight schedule for us. Two phone calls & multiple tries later, they finally emailed me a website that WOULD accept American CC's: I booked there with no trouble...only about a $10 per tkt booking fee, which irritated me. But at least it's done. As far as I know Vueling is STILL not accepting U.S. credit cards. We had one almost-successful try w/a debit card; but it took the money out, then immediately put it back in. I hope the airline is still okay, as I have $750 worth of tkts riding on it!

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4 posts

I bought two tickets through the Vueling website a few weeks ago with my Mastercard. I did get a call from the credit card issuer almost instantly asking me to confirm the online Euros transaction. Minutes later, I got my e-mail confirmation from Vueling confirming my flights.

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3 posts

We're having the same problem. I've tried numerous CC, my bank says there are no holds and they haven't "communicated" with Vueling. Should I try to rebook through

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18 posts

I had an exchage of emails with their offices in BCN last week when I had similar problems and they admitted to having problems with US and UK cards. I contacted my Visa provider and there was no sign of attempted contacts.

I gave up and had a friend in BCN contact them on my behalf to get the reservations. They were the only airline we could use on the Granada - Barcelona link. I had no such problems with Clickair.

Good luck...Thom

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127 posts

Gwynn....I must have posted this on two different pages, as I posted an update on 'To the Boot' last week. You can try wegolo worked for me the first time. However, when I tried it again for 2 more tkts, it said vueling refused my card. So I tried one more time calling Vueling's BCN offc, & this time they took my CC over the phone. Good luck.

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1 posts

I had the exact same issue with the Madrid to Paris flight. I tried two different credit cards. I telephoned Vueling, but after being on hold for an extended period, gave up and booked through Air Europa. 105 Euros a ticket, but didn't have all the extra fees for choosing seats, checking bags etc. and zero hassle.

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272 posts

Also had trouble booking with my card on Vueling. I tried a WaMu debit card with mastercard logo. It worked for all other airlines. No luck with Vueling. Had a Spanish speaking friend call them in Spain and had to book over the phone.