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Trip to Italica

My sister and I are landing in Seville airport on Friday, March 26. We are interested in stopping in Italica on the way to the city. Can anyone recommend a car service/driver/bus that could get us there. We have limited time available for this stop so we'd be willing to pay extra for the convenience of a driver. Alternately, do you know of any drivers to take us from our Seville hotel to Italica?

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Not sure what you mean by 'limited time,' but the airport is just to the northeast of Sevilla, while Italica (at the village of Santiponce) is just to the northwest. So if you go directly from the airport to Italica, you'll be crossing the northern part of Sevilla anyway.
There is a bus that leaves every hour from the Plaza des Armas bus station on the west side of downtown (along the river) and takes about half an hour to make the run.