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Trip for 7 days, what do you guys recommend??

I have total 9 days, 2 for travel and 7 for vacation. I am thinking 3 days in Switzerland and 4 in France. Is that ok?? Please someone help! I need hotel recommendations (4 star) and how to get around (rail, plane, etc..). Thanks!

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1633 posts

When are you going? What cities are you flying into and out of? What cities/towns do you want to travel to?

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116 posts

With requests for 4-star lodging sounds like you have a good-sized budget. I'd skip the whole train mess unless you want to spend most of your time in Paris (where a car is a hindrance and not a help). I'd do Paris first - make a list of stuff you'd be disappointed if you didn't see it, not stuff you feel obligated to see, and figure out how much time you need. Do those things, then take a Roissey bus (sp?) to wherever you're picking up your rental car and get out of Paris and on to the next thing. Cars let you see beyond the train tracks. Train schedules in foreign languages can be frustrating for first-time travelers, esp. jet-lagged ones.

Get some Rick Steve's books and follow his driving suggestions and stay at the places he says are $$$ - those are usually 4-star and come pre-approved by a guidebook writer. Michelin maps are great, and their restaurant guides are drool-worthy. The recommended driving tours by Steve's are idiot-proof and guaranteed to make a good impression on whoever your travel companions are.

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1358 posts

Your method of travel will be determined by many factors: time, money, interests, obstacles.

You need to research the areas you are interested in in each country on

Then write an itinerary by day showing what you will do each day and the amount of time to allot to each activity.

You cant plan a trip unless you start at that point. Every activity stems from that plan.

In Switzerland and France, you will find the trains the best and most economical method of travel.