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Trier, Germany to Luxembourg

Is this an easy day trip? I have the whole morning/early afternoon in Trier before my GAS tour starts next month and thought it might be fun to go over to Luxembourg for the day. What are the can't miss sights in the city? Is it an easy train ride (relatively quick?) Thanks!

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12040 posts

While I'm not saying don't visit Luxembourg City, there isn't a whole lot more to do than walk around. The city has an interesting layout (it sort of spills into a ravine) and there are some old ramparts. But there aren't really any "sights", as such. That being said, you may as well visit if you have time to kill in Trier.

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1976 posts

Trier is a lot more interesting than Luxembourg City. The casemates in L.C. are interesting but that's about it. I'm a big museum person and I didn't really care for the Museum of Modern Art (it's mostly contemporary art so you won't find any of the big modern art masters). Trier, on the other hand, has a lot (it's mostly ancient architecture so if you don't care for that, you might want to go to L.C.): the Porta Negra, which you can go up into; Constantine's Basilica, the Dom, the Karl Marx house; and some really pretty early modern architecture.

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2876 posts

If you have any interest in history, the American military cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg - just outside Luxembourg city - is definitely worth a visit. Like all American military cemeteries in Europe, it is very moving and beautiful. World War II hero General Patton's grave is there. There is also a somber but interesting WWII German military cemetery just up the road.

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4684 posts

The trip is pretty easy, the trains are roughly hourly and take about fifty minutes.

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89 posts

Thanks everyone! My main reason for going is because it's pretty much "right there" and I figure I can add to my collection of visiting small countries! :) (I've been to Vatican City and Monaco, so why not Luxembourg too?). I might just wait until I'm there to decide, but thanks for the info, very helpful!

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12313 posts

I didn't chose to go but it is an easy train ride from Trier. Don't shortchange Trier to see Luxembourg. Trier is a great town on it's own, plus it has extensive Roman ruins - you would have to go to Italy to see more.

Posted by
21 posts

Hi Erika, My family is also arriving a day early in Trier for our trip. We will use this day just getting over jet lag, using an ATM for Euros, & doing some sight seeing of the areas of Trier that might not be covered as in-depth on the tour. Then again, my daughter is a huge fan of Roman history so this will be a major interest to us. Your extra day will likely go by quickly, so do take the time to do what interests you most. Hope your trip is just great...we'll be following you shortly after (June) & looking very much forward to it too! Gail