Hello, Does any one have travel tips for me (grama), and for my 3 granddaughters for our trip to Paris and Germany & Austria? They tend to be "fashionistas "so they will probably need to know how to carry their "stuff" when we tour- backpacks or over shoulder purses? Certainly not waist packs!! After all we want to maintain our "cuteness".. :) They will , of course, each have their small cameras, unless we can manage to share one or two. I am a little nervous, but excited for this "trip of a lifetime". Any advice is very welcome! Heidi
Heidi, if you're not buying Rick's books for those countries (and his writing style is ideal for college-age travellers), at least look at his free tips: http://www.ricksteves.com/plan/tips/tips_menu.htm When I look at the "safety" page, I think it comes across as more frightening than he means to be. After all, he's been promoting European travel for at least 25 years! If your grand-daughters really care a lot about clothes, they should think about washing and ironing (do they do either of those jobs at home?) unless your budget covers hotel laundry $$$. Also sun exposure and speedy departure hair-care in the morning.
A backpack, or cross-torso purse (can not recall what this is called, a senior moment!) and not have much of value in it! Would they be able to swallow a sling backpack or some such? Could this be a good time to introduce smart travel with a small money belt? For wearing under slacks fastened to a belt loop, I've made one from a round-neck passport holder, very lightweight fabric, big enough for just credit card, cash, passport copy, (passport left in hotel), and metro tix. Coins and sample size lip gloss in a pocket, no purse. Husband carries sling backpack with water bottle, camera. I will say that we had no security problems in Paris, April 2012, but we're seasoned travelers. Could you as a group draw up your travel guidelines, input from your girls plus others with teen travel experience? Always together? Or the three of them wander while you sip coffee in a café? Think through-bet you have!- what you will be comfortable with in crowds, in cities, in small towns. Bet you'll run into some street fairs, markets-perfect fun and inexpensive shopping for the fashionistas. Yes.....the trip of a lifetime! Lucky granddaughters and lucky grandmother both! You'll have a great time with memories galore.