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Traveling in Benelux

Hello all,

I was wondering how easy it was traveling thru BENELUX by Train? We are going to be in Amsterdam for 9 days and wanted to travel to Belgium and Luxembourg as well. Any tips would be appreciated.

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12040 posts

"I was wondering how easy it was traveling thru BENELUX by Train?"

For the Netherlands, you can go just about anywhere easily by train.

Belgium... depends on where you want to go. The cities and larger towns are all pretty easily reached by train. Anything in the countryside, however, you have to figure out the bus connections, and in Flanders, the schedules are only available in Dutch.

Luxembourg... Luxembourg City is easily reached by train from Belgium.

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1 posts

I'm currently in Belgium now, and have traveled around Belgium a lot (am in Brussels, have visted Mechelen, Bruges twice, Antwerp, etc), as well as the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Haarlem, Utrecht). And the trains are amazingly simple to figure out. Just go to the train stations on the day you want to travel (or day before) and buy there. Don't bother with online ticketing; it's just not necessary. It's very easy-- I don't know a word of French or Dutch, and I can do it. It costs about 28 euros for a round trip ticket to Amsterdam from Brussels, so not too bad! My boyfriend's also gone to Luxembourg from Brussels, so it's easily do-able too. :) Hope this helps!

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12040 posts

"have visted Mechelen"

Congratulations. I think you are the first person on these forums who has mentioned traveling to Mechelen!