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Traveling from Munich to Lucerne

What would the best way to go to Switzerland from Germany by train or car? From Switzerland we are going to Italy would it be wise to go the coastline of Italy? Or last stop will be in Tuscany?

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2779 posts

How much time do you have for the trip from Munich to Lucerne? If you can afford it (timewise) rent a car, take the Autobahn from Munich to Lindau, a beautiful island city in the lake of Constance. Have a snack or lunch in the harbor. Then drive alongside the German coastline (that way you'll always be able to enjoy that impressive and breathtaking view of the Swiss side. The German side looks rather boring as viewed from the Swiss side). Next stop is the beautiful baroque church of Birnau. A must-see, believe me. Then go to Meersburg, walk thru the old town (it's actually inside a castle). From Meersburg take the ferry boat to Constance. Cross into Switzerland and drive to Lucerne (60-90mins) or visit the famous garden-island of Mainau not too far from the ferry landing. Without Mainau it can be done in one long day, if you include Mainau stay over either in Meersburg or Constance. Another suggestion follows below:

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2779 posts

From Munich take train to Lindau. After your lunch in the harbor take the boat to Constance. It's probably a 2-3hrs boat ride, you'll see all the spectacular sights as well - of course you won't be able to visit the Birnau church, but you can see it from the boat. From Constance take Swiss train to Lucerne. This is also one long but beautiful day trip.