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Traveling by train up or down the Rhine today or tomorrow?

If you were planning on traveling by train on the Left hand side of the Rhine today, tomorrow and possibly even Wed. you will not be able to do so. There was a rock slide yesterday afternoon near St. Goar and an Intercity train jumped the track a bit. A few people were injured, but not badly, and the tracks will be blocked today, with hopes to have them back in service sometime on Tues. Trains are being re-routed to the right hand side of the Rhine. They may use some replacement buses. Good luck to all of you who had hotel reservations on that side of the river. Photos and German news report:

Posted by
32224 posts

Jo, I'm in Berlin at the moment and saw that story on the news last night. With the "language barrier" I wasn't sure where this had occurred. For me this was somewhat familiar as there was a massive slide north of Koblenz when I was in that part of Germany last year. Cheers!

Posted by
32932 posts

Thanks for the heads up, Jo. We are newspaper and TV/Radio deprived at the moment so that is helpful. It must have been that big storm? We we driving in Luxembourg when it blew through. whew...

Posted by
8963 posts

Train traffic is still being diverted today. Your train may end up going up the right side of the Rhine. If you have to go to St. Goar for example you may have to take the ferry over from St. Goarshausen. The Deutsch Bahn website gives details of the diversions and change of routes if you are traveling today. Good luck!

Posted by
19118 posts

"Good luck to all of you who had hotel reservations on that side of the river." Good arguement for staying in St. Goar since you can always get to it by ferry from St. Goarshausen.

Posted by
8963 posts

Well, it looks like they are running again, but some of the trains have had their stop in Ober-Wesel cancelled. Not all of the trains, just some of the Regional trains. Don't know what that is about, but at least most of the trains are stopping at all the towns now, that they are supposed to stop in.