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Traveling around Germany on Good Friday and Monday after Easter

I'll be traveling around Germany around Easter weekend. I have lodging in Leipzig Thursday Apr 5 and Good Friday Apr 6. After that, I'm planning on winging it. Since Good Friday and Easter Monday are both holidays in Germany, how much hassle should I expect? I.e., would I expect trains to be absolutely crammed full for example? Am I being foolish to make NO lodging plans at all for the Saturday and Sunday in between Good Friday and Easter Monday?

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306 posts

Yes, James. I'll be on a Eurail Global Pass, which I'm aware gets me the right to board the train but not necessarily a seat, esp on a non-reserved train. So I guess I should make up my mind where I want to be or go, and think about making some resv for seats if I want to be assured of getting from point A to point B! Now if I could just decide where to go...

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3049 posts

I would definitely reserve seats in advance for that time period. It doesn't cost that much extra and will grant you piece of mind and a less stressful trip.

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565 posts

I rode the train from Dresden to Berlin the Monday after Easter last year. I stood the entire 2 1/2 hr trip.
Plan ahead. Emily

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9015 posts

Do check the websites for any attractions, museums, etc. that you want to visit on that weekend. Good Friday especially, will see most museums closed. The Sunday and Monday may or may not be open according to the individual museum.