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Travel to Paris and Provence

What is the weather like for travel to Paris and Provence in September?

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3696 posts

Well, of course nothing is exactly predictable, but Sept trips to Europe have been heavenly with a few less tourists. I pack with layers, so tend to prepare for all types of fall weather from cool evenings to hot afternoons.

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1068 posts

The FAQ on this site has a weather finder dealie, here: That being said - yay for September in France! Of course, you could get rain and clouds, I suppose, but in general, Paris is warrm and sunny to partly-cloudy, and Provence is the same, except a few degrees warmer. That is, I stress, in general. An earlier reply advised to prepare for variable temps - layers, etc. Solid advice.

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837 posts

If you are from Fairfield, CA, you will find it considerably more humid than at home. If you are from the east coast, you will find it similar.