What is the best train route from Lugano to Murren? Does the train stop in Murren?
Check schedules at the Swiss Rail site: http://rail.ch It's a 5.5 hour journey involving three changes.
The best runs put you on a 3.0hr train to Lucerne via the Gotthard Tunnel and then brings you back down to Interlaken Ost. From Interlaken Ost, you take the 22-minute ride on the Jungfraubahn into Lauterbrunnen. From the train station, cross the street to the gondola station and take the 6-minute gondola to Grutshalp. A train will be waiting for you there to take you the remaining way to Muerren. The journey with the fewest train changes does take 5.5hrs. So, to answer your question about the train stopping Muerren. It does but not the way you envison. You'll enjoy the whole experience.
Thank you, this is very helpful.