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Travel in Spain

We are planning a repositioning cruise which leaves from Barcelona in a few of months and plan to spend a week in Spain prior to the departure. With all the economic problems with Spain (and other Euro countries), is there anything we need to be aware of that may change our plans?

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3255 posts

Your tourist dollars will be very welcome and you should not change your plans!

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984 posts

Money is welcome wherever. Your question is not something I understand unless you can explain what you are concerned about.

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3255 posts

I am guessing they are concerned about civil unrest, demonstrations, and maybe crime---none of which is an issue as far as I know.

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97 posts

I'm not sure what you're getting at...? We were in Spain last week. It's a bargain in comparison to many other western European nations. The economy is struggling, yes, but by no means does chaos reign ~ aside from positive enthusiasm in response to the Euro 2012 victory.

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529 posts

We were in Madrid last May and our hotel was located by Puerta del Sol where the whole plaza was full of tents and protestors for many causes. They had been there for weeks and while not attractive for tourists it was all very controlled as far as noise, sanitation and no violence. Police were stationed and I saw no other protests in the others parts of Madrid that we visited. There will always be pick pockets although we have only experienced attempts in Siena, Italy and London and when our visitor from Vienna got pick pocketed in Fishermans Wharf, San Francisco.

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9369 posts

I was there last month. No problems, and many prices were slashed because of the recession. Accomodation is also very cheap, particularly hostals and smaller hotels.

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11 posts

Hello Jim, I am sure that you will enjoy. Spain. We are the second country in the world on the reception of tourists and we take care a lot about our guests. You just take the usual precautions that you have when travelling to a foreign country. Nothing really has changed in Spain so far and even less for tourists.
Enjoy Spain! Aitor Delgado

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923 posts

I'm in Spain and the tourist scene is alive and well. We saw a rally on Puerta del Sol and a march down Gran Via last night but it was all peaceful. We have only been met with respect and the businesses are happy we are here. I would say that things are relatively normal. The only problem (if you want to call it that) we have encountered was a 5 minute delay on the City Tour bus for the rally yesterday. We are having a great time!