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Travel in Norther Germany

We have been to many towns and cities in Germany but have not spent much time in the North. Which is worthwhile in late November? Hanover, Hamburg, Breman or should we just stick to Nurnburg. We are flying into Frankfurt and eventually go to Berlin and Praha.

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12040 posts

"Hanover, Hamburg, Breman or should we just stick to Nurnburg." Just asking, did you include Nürnburg in the list because for some strange reason, Mr. Steves puts in with Hamburg in northern Germany? It's farther to the south than Frankfurt... Hannover isn't terribly interesting. Very little of it's former royal glory survived the war. Hamburg also got pounded pretty hard in the world, but the city rebuilt in a great balance of new and old. By far, my favorite large city in Germany. I haven't been to Bremen...

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1526 posts

I was stationed in Bremerhaven (Bremen's port) and really enjoyed the north. Traveling between north & south, we developed a real fondness for Goslar. It is small enough to get to know in a day or two. I would say the season makes little difference except the nights will be long in November.

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1976 posts

How much time are you planning to spend in northern Germany? I was in Hamburg for 3 days but I wish I had spent 3 more there because there's so much to see. I liked Hannover - the Sprengel Museum is nice if you like modern and contemporary art. You can visit an artificial lake created by the Nazis in the 1930s, and see the town hall. It's a good day trip.

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33 posts

I think it depends what sort of feel you want. Hamburg is a large bustling city with lots to see and is also closer to the water - hence you could also get to the sea or a town like Lübeck too. Hannover is a nice city, but not extremely full of touristy things to do. A thought might be to use it as a base point to see some other cute towns in the area, like Hameln or Celle. I haven't seen much of Bremen but have heard you can see it in a day and is cute. I also second the idea of going to the Harz - Goslar and Quedlinburg are both really cute!
I am fairly familiar with several towns up here, so if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

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19 posts

Hello Jim, I live and work in Hamburg, its a great city. Many people to come to visit skip this gem to go to Berlin or if southern bound its Munich. Hamburg is home to Two big attractions and many smaller ones. The harbor is the big draw for tourists and locals alike. If you have a train pass,( is your best friend and take some time to get to know it. Would not bring a car here as the parking is tough and expensive) its also good for the ferries that run every 10min and take you on a full circle via the Elba river. They make one stop (3rd stop) by a beach and coffee shop which is great to check out. Reeperbahn is another "No miss" Its known for its red light district. herbertstraße-,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=605&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=herbertstra%C3%9Fe+germany&fb=1&gl=de&hq=herbertstra%C3%9Fe+germany&cid=0,0,13199107100574260278&sa=X&ei=JIsAUIvFMsis0QXxzvGvBw&ved=0CIEBEPwSMAQ&oi=local_group&ct=image The area is also home to tourist trap shopping but to get your people something right? The list goes on and I dont know what your into so I would stop there about Hamburg or HH as its also known. Other cites in the North to see is Lubeck and Sylt. Both by the sea. Also Goslar is great but a bit further south. If your headed by train to any of these cities there are deals to be had.Will you be booking while your here or doing it in the states? Have a look here You and up to 5 people can get to just about anywhere for cheap. First person is 29 and 3 euros more per person up to a total of 5.
Well hope that helps and best of luck! Damion