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travel from tangier to chefchaouen

We are going to be in southern spain in mid April and are looking at a quick overnight to Morocco looking to spend time in Chefchaouen rather than Tarifa. If we take a morning ferry from tarifa to tangier, are we better off taking a bus to chefchaouen or a taxi? we are hoping to spend the afternoon and over night there, return to tarifa the next day to take the ferry back to spain. And would it be important to have acommodations set up before we arrive? Also, where do you find details of times and costs of ferry and bus schedules? thanks for any help.

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I went there last May and because I was traveling with a group of photographers we took a bus. I really can't remember how long it took, so don't know how feasible a taxi is. I loved it. It was so exotic and unique. The hotels were a bit limited and ours was in the perfect location so we could walk out the door and be right in the market. However, the quality, although acceptable, was a bit low. But, the ambience of the town made up for it all. Also, we had a wonderful dinner at our hotel. The typical Moroccan food cooked in a tangine. The name was Place Al Makhzin. I think it is called a 4 star... I am a photographer so if you want to see my pictures you can go to my website and see my trip called Spain & Morocco...
If you have any extra time another delightful town on the sea was Asilah. Morocco was most definitely a cultural experience, and I and all my friends would go back in a minute.