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Travel from Sevilla, Sp. to Toledo Sp. via train / bus

Any thoughts / ideas on traveling to Toledo from Sevilla via bus and or train? We are also going on to Madrid but would like to go to Toledo first.

Additionally, how long is the bus trip from Sevilla to Madrid / Toledo?


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204 posts


We drove from Madrid to Toledo- 1 hr. Then from Toledo to Sevilla- about 5 hours. I would make life easier and use the train. I think there is now a rail line to Toledo - I would check this out.Maybe take the train straight from Seville to Madrid and then take the bus to Toledo for the day.

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4555 posts

To paraphrase the old saying, "You can't get there from here." There are no direct bus or train links from Sevilla to have to go thru Madrid first. The fastest way is to take the AVE high speed'll arrive at Madrid's Atocha station, which is where the trains for Toledo depart. You can book the tickets at up to 62 days in advance to get savings of up to 60%, at least on the Sevilla-Madrid route. Total cost for the entire journey, if you get the discount, should be about 40 Euro per person. It'll take about 3 hours to get to Madrid, and about half an hour to get to Toledo.