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travel from Lisbon to Fatima

Found bus website to travel from Lisbon to Fatima and back again. However, it does not list where the departure point in the city to catch this bus. Frequency listed in Portugese: diariamente, and Aos Domingos(Sundays?) . We would like to take a bus either on a late Friday morning, or on a Saturday. Please advise the best way to purchase our tickets, but especially, to find where to find the train and departure location.

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Change the language if having a problem - flags are top of the page. Seems straight forward enough, but I have never purchased any bus ticket on line. 'Compra de Bilhetes' or 'Purchase Tickets' - enter your date(s).
You then talk of train - is this something else? The bus station in Lisbon is at Rua das Laranjeiras, Sete Rios - adjacent Sete Rios metro station.