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Travel from Cinqueterre to Rhine River Valley

My husband and I will be travelling from Cinqueterre on a Sunday into Frankfurt with plans to head to Bacharach early the next morning. The current route I have is 9+ hours (Genoa-Milan-Basel-Frankfurt). Has anyone made a similar trip or know of a better routing? If not, guess that will be my day to catch up on my journal.

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3313 posts

That sounds about right. If you didn't get your information from already, that's the site to look for alternatives. But as soon as I read your first sentence I thought it a full day's train ride.

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8700 posts

The timetables at show several daytime routes. If saving daylight sightseeing hours by traveling overnight works for you, you can leave Genoa at 19:19 and arrive at Milano at 20:50. Then take a CityNightLine train directly to Frankfurt, leaving at 21:12 and arriving at 06:00.

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1717 posts

Hello Margie. If your destination is Bacharach, I thought the fastest and best way to go there from Basel is to ride in a train from Basel north to Koblenz. (it might be possible to do that in one train). And a short train ride from Koblenz to Bacharach. The train from Basel to Koblenz stops at Baden Baden.