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Travel from CDG Paris Airport to Saint Michel metro station

What is the least expensive and quickest way to get from CDG airport to the Saint Michel Metro station?

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32257 posts


To add to Steve's reply,the RER "B" from CDG is probably the quickest method, especially as it isn't affected by traffic.

You'll note from the website link in the previous post that you can purchase RER tickets using ticket machines at CDG, however these will ONLY accept the new "chip & PIN" credit cards, and I believe Euro coins as well. There is a ticket office that will accept other forms of payment, however there's often a huge queue (depending on the number of flights that arrived at about that time).

There are two RER routes from CDG - one stops often before reaching Paris and the other is an "express". Under ideal conditons, travel time from CDG to St-Michel is about 20 minutes.

You should be able to take the RER to St-Michel Notre-Dame and then walk from there to St-Michel (it appears to be a transfer station).

Happy travels!

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8700 posts

According to the Journey Planner on the Paris Transportation site, it's 36 minutes from CDG to Saint-Michel Notre-Dame on an express and 40 minutes on a stopping train. The fare is €8.50.

As Ken said, the Saint-Michel Notre-Dame RER station and the Saint-Michel Metro station are connected. You can walk through the tunnels from one to the other.

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1265 posts

Doug - As Ken stated the ticket machines accept CC with chip and euros. There are change machines near the ticket machines, that will change up to a 20 euro note.

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1525 posts

We faced the same question before leaving for Paris last summer with 3 children. We arrived at CDG and headed for the RER-B platform. A moment later the power went off making all the machines useless, including the counters (where there were long lines anyway). We stumbled around for about 15 minutes waiting for someone to explain the problem in english (not really expecting them to, but hoping), then all of a sudden, after some announcement in French, we noticed everyone moving toward the platform. We found someone who spoke english and they said that we were instructed to board without tickets. Nice $50 savings for us!

It was an obvious solution to the problem, but it got me thinking how long would it take for that same solution to rise in the US?...