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Travel from Baden Baden to Heidelberg

Is it possible to take a day trip to Heidelberg from Baden Baden ? what is the best mode - train or bus ? Are there organized tours into Heidelberg ?

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19103 posts

Baden-Baden to Heidelberg is about 1½ hrs by regional trains and/or S-Bahn. I see one connection with a change in Karlsruhe. You can find schedules on the German Rail (Bahn) website.

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96 posts

There may be tours, I don't know about that but it is pretty easy just to do your own thing. Once you arrive in Heidelberg,catch a bus from the train station and take it to the Alt Stadt. You can walk around and see the church, the Marktplatz, the castles (there are tours up there), walk across the bridge, and there is a park over there with scenic views across the river. I'm not a lot of help for you but that is what I did and I was alone and I didn't have any trouble.