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Travel Flow Destination

Hi, My husband and I are planning to travel to Scotland ( at least that's all he knows). My thoughts is to travel also in some parts of Europe since they are close together. I would like to fly in London and fly back in another destination but not sure how to go about my paths. My idea is London > Scotland > not sure where next ? Countries we (or I) want to visit are: Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Italy, France, Netherlands.I would like to visit one big city and a countryside (ex. Provence, Tuscany, Brittany, Bath) Also what is the best means of transportation > Eurorail or local rail) Your ideas are appreciated ! Thanks

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Caution: These places are not THAT close together! I recommend staying within countries relatively close together (example: sharing a border), though of course anything is possible with enough time and money. David is right: We need to know how much time you have to travel in order to give good recommendations. A rough idea of your budget would also help. Is this your first trip to Europe?