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Travel by train within Germany

Can I get from a station within approx a 40 Kilometer radius of Kirn in Rheinland Pfalz by train to Munich without changing trains but also avoiding Frankfurt or Mainz? For instance can I get an ICE train from somewhere like Kaiserslautern or Bad Kreuznach direct to Munich?

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12040 posts

No. In most of the Rhineland Pfalz to get to Munich, you have to go through Mannheim, Mainz, Frankfurt or some combination of the above. No direct trains available, especially from a small regional station like Kirn.

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331 posts

Thank you, I had feared as much but had hoped that if I could drive to somewhere south east of Kirn such as Worms or to somewhere on the Rhein south of Frankfurt and Mainz that I might be able to get a direct connection. What a pity that Germany doesn't appear to have a national bus service.