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I would like to catch a train from Nice to the Cinque terra and then onto Lucca and San Gimignano. Is this possible?

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23562 posts

Yes, of course. Train service is very extensive in Europe. Go to to get good schedule information,

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837 posts

Checking the German rail website, Nice to Monterosso takes about 5 ours with two transfers. Monterosso to Lucca takes a bit under 2 hours, again with 2 transfers. I don't see Lucca to San Gimignano, but more rail savvy posters may come up with the answer. Perhaps a bus works better for this leg. It would appear to be pretty close; likely a couple of hours.

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8700 posts

You can take the train from Nice to any Cinque Terre town with a minimum of one connection in Ventimiglia. Depending upon your departure time you also may need to make a connection in Genova. Going from the CT to Lucca requires connections in La Spezia and Viareggio. The closest train station to San Gimignano is at Poggibonsi. You can go Lucca-Pisa-Empoli-Poggibonsi or Lucca-Firenze-Poggibonsi. It's a 20-minute bus ride from Poggibonsi to San Gimignano. See the German Rail site for detailed timetables.

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719 posts

You can take trains to NEAR San Gimignano, but not actually to it. I usually train it to Siena, then hop a bus to SG. Siena is a great town, if you've not yet been there. If your arrival will put you in SG at mid-day during Peak Season, then I'd linger in Siena for a few hours before catching the bus, as SG isn't that great with the hordes.