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Transportation along the Costa de la Luz to Malaga

Does anyone have experience with using public transportation along Spain's southern coast? At this point I am (tentatively) planning to take the train to Cadiz, and then head down to Los Canos de Meca and Tarifa. From that point we need to head back to Madrid, and from the looks of it our best bet may be going to Malaga and getting the AVE train to Madrid. I would like to avoid renting a car if at all possible. Does anyone know if Spain's bus systems are reliable, or if they run along the coast at all? Any suggestions are appreciated!

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984 posts

'Does anyone have experience with using public transportation along Spain's southern coast?' - Yes, some. Are you not considering train back to Madrid from Algeciras? This would mean - (if taking one of the two direct train journeys per day) - only Tarifa to Algeciras by bus (half hour journey) and onward rather than three hours to Malaga and onward. Plus bonus of scenic journey to Ronda. Plus cheapness. I would guess not a lot of difference in time expended travelling. Spain's major bus companies are very reliable, otherwise the services contract for an area would be with another company. Very localised bus companies may not be, but you are not involved with them.

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12172 posts

You should be able to catch a bus from anywhere to anywhere. They will be reliable and comfortable. Training along Costa de la Luz probably won't be practical.

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30 posts

Neil, Thank you! I don't know how on earth I didn't see this- I guess I was only looking at the AVE trains, but Madrid from Algeciras makes infinitely more sense. Awesome suggestion, I appreciate it!
Brad- thanks for your input as well. I've taken buses and trains on all of my trips so far, and have had very few mishaps. Hopefully Spain will be no different!