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Transport for solo traveler from CDG to Rue Cler area

Hi all, wondering best - (safest and least expensive) option for student (loaded down with bags) to take from CDG to Rue Cler area on a Sat. morning?
Thanks very much!

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2092 posts

Yvonda, since you'll likely be somewhat groggy from jetlag and overwhelmed since "WOW! I'm in Paris!" and loaded down with multiple bags, rather than dealing with the RER and metro (which actually is SO easy to use), I'd suggest a shuttle or taxi. A taxi would probably cost 60 euro since you have multiple bags--usually a 1euro charge for each bag the driver handles. Rick gives all the choices with many tips beginning on page 508 of his Paris 2012 book. I would suggest getting all 3 of his France books for your time in France as well as for any other country you might visit on your long weekends! They all have SO many money-saving hints!
Have a grand time!

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635 posts

My wife and I took the Roissy bus (10 euro each) from the airport to Opera. It's a quick and easy metro ride from there to Rue Cler to either La Tour-Maurbourg or Ecole Militaire (1 metro pass each). Pick your closest station. There is a less convenient route by taking the RER-B to Ste. Michel - Notre Dame and transferring to RER-A to Invalides and transferring again to the two stops mentioned above. It's about the same price but not as easy. I don't know how familiar you are with Paris so I'll be slightly detailed. You'll probably arrive at Terminal 1. Go out the immigration area into the terminal. You can get euros and buy Paris museum passes there and I suggest you do. Go outside and the bus stop is right across from the terminal exit. Buy your ticket from the driver. There's a ticket machine but I've never seen anyone use it. The bus ride without serious traffic is about 45 to 50 minutes. The bus stops at the Opera Garnier and the metro stop is just in front of it. You can buy a carnet (10 metro passes) down at a ticket booth for 12.5 euro. You'll use these for metro and bus rides during your Paris stay. You want to get on Line 8 to Balard. You'll only go about 3 or 4 stops before you get off. If you pack light, you won't have trouble with the steps down and there are escalators at the other end for most of the way up. If you are truly "loaded down with bags," I recommend the taxi as the earlier post did. If you are not able to carry your things easily, I suggest you reconsider what you are packing. My wife and I each travel with a 21" rolling bag and a backpack. It's enough for us for any stay.

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8700 posts

Since you are bringing several bags to see you through your term as a student, I suggest that you do one of two things: 1. Take a taxi door-to-door. 2. Take the Roissybus from CDG (it stops at all three terminals) to Opera and a taxi from there to your hotel. You'll pay €10 for the bus and another €15 or so for the taxi. Definitely a lot cheaper than taking a taxi all the way. The Roissybus runs every 15 minutes.

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78 posts

Thanks very much to all who replied! I am amazed at the kindness of strangers

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1 posts

I have a related question. If I am doing the opposite journey, Rue Cler area to CDG, what would be the optimal method? Can one also take the Roissy to CDG and where would I catch it? Thanks!

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8700 posts

Matthew, The Roissybus is a dedicated non-stop service between CDG and Opera. If you have a lot of luggage, take a taxi to Opera and the Roissybus to CDG. However, if you're packing light, it's easy to get from Rue Cler to CDG by metro and RER. Take metro line 8 from either Ecole Militaire or La Tour Maubourg to Strasbourg - Saint-Denis, metro line 4 to Gare du Nord, and the RER B to CDG. Be aware that the RER B line divides northeast of Paris so be sure to get on a train that is going to CDG.

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2788 posts

See if you can get a copy of RS 2012 Paris Guide Book, either buy buying one or at the local library, as it has lots of information about the journey you are asking about. I have used it several times when visiting Paris and staying in the Rue Cler area. You lucky student you. Happy travels.

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251 posts

We took the Roissy bus and won't ever do that again. It took a long time with the bus ride, then finding the Opera metro station (not easyeven after asking two different people), then walking to the hotel. When you are exhausted, it's too much and wasted almost half a day. We got in at 7:30 am and it was almost noon before we got to our room. I don't know where you are staying. When we checked in at Hotel Leveque on Rue Cler, I noticed a sign that said they had a shuttle. It costs more but at that moment I would have paid it in a heart beat and I will next time.

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44 posts

Yvonda: I would take Super Shuttle. They are very professional, puntual, and vans are modern and clean. Drivers speak English, and room for lots of luggage. We took one from our hotel in the Latin Quarter to CDG at 6:00am on a Saturday morning, and he was right in front of the hotel door right on the minute. Go to "" and check it out and make a reservation. As far as "cheapest" goes, the RER (train) may be cheaper, but you will have to negotiate changing to the metro or bus once you get into the city, and you will still have to juggle your luggage. I would go with the shuttle for door to door service.