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trains in Spain

I am getting conflicting information about train travel in Spain and was wondering if anyone would like to share their experiences traveling first class in Spain. This is my first trip to Spain and I plan to travel by train between cities. Thank you very much.

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811 posts

you don't need first class - the trains are safe and comfortable. dependinig on the distance and your schedule you just need to decide if go with faster train (like the TGV) or slower train. plenty choices and i'd buy ticket 1 or 2 days ahead in person - the ticket office is very helpful and they'll sort you out if website is overwhelming.

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23564 posts

Generally it is helpful when posting a question to explain"conflicting information" so that part of your concern can be directly address. In general, second class seats are similar to business class seats on the airlines with good leg room and convenience. Seats are generally two by two although there can be other arrangements. First class is 2 by 1 will a little more space and generally fairly empty. In Spain do not overlook bus travel. It is often faster and cheaper.

Posted by
4535 posts

Let us know more about the conflicting info. Train travel in Spain is very nice on the high-speed AVE (not TVG - that's France). It can be hard to order tickets online in advance because of CC's blocking the charge and if you don't know Spanish. But you can get good discounts that way. And some towns are easier to get to by bus - where will you be going?

Posted by
42 posts

Thank you all for your replies. I will be taking a train from Madrid to Granada, Granada to Cordoba, Cordoba to Barcelona. The conflicting information I have been given is that some are telling me not to go by train at all but to use buses. Others say that the train is the best way to travel between cities. Thank you for sharing your experiences and opinions.

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1178 posts

I have enjoyed the train travel in Spain..not used the buses so far...check to see the schedules, prices, locations in the towns where you will be visiting and make a decision.

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1878 posts

Trains are great in Spain, though depending upon the route can be somewhat slow. Second class is fine. Consider an overnight train to get to Barcelona, they run one between there and Granada which we took in the opposite direction in 2005. For the overnight, to get a two person sleeping compartment that might be considered first class. The slow connection was Granada to Seville. At the time it was three hours, even though it's not that far. For us the interest in Spain is mostly in the cities, so trains were great.

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23564 posts

I don't think it is either bus or train. It is which one works the best for that route. The train system is not as extensive in Spain as it is in the rest of western Europe. Also, as the high speed system is developed, the stations tend to be on the edge of the metro areas and not in the center of town as is often the case in other European countries. For this reason sometimes a bus is quicker especially in areas not serviced by the AVE. And sometimes, there is no train service. Buses in Spain are great, comfortable, cheap, and reasonably quick especially the express buses. So don't be afraid of the buses. No comparison to the American bus system.

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4535 posts

Based on your itinerary, I'd say the train is your best bet. The route between Cordoba and Grenada is the older system and slow but a nice ride. I don't know that the bus would save you any time.

Posted by
81 posts

Trains are very reliable in Spain. We use it to get from Madrid to Toledo, from Seville to Cordoba and from Sevilla to Madrid. No hassels and always on time. I would say do not waste money of 1st class because the 2nd class in spain train is better then AMtrak 1st class. (if you have every travelled via AMtrak)