What is the best way to get from Paris (Montparnasse station) through Munich by train to Garmisch? The DB Bahn site shows four transfers, and will only mail tickets (not allow us to print ticket pdfs from home), and we leave in 10 days from US to go to Paris. Enough time to get the tickets by mail?
You need to depart from the Paris Est station.... just click on 'Paris' when the options pop up & it will automatically show departing from the East station. You'll see that you can get to Garmisch with just 2 transfers and without having to go through Munich. Someone else will have to answer the question about tickets by mail....
The route from Montparnasse includes regional trains entirely within France. German Rail does not book tickets online that have a segment outside Germany. However, if, like Tim says, you leave from Paris Gare de L'est, the first segment will be into Germany and, no matter how many connections in Germany, the ticket will be purchasable online with self-printing at home.
Paris Metro Line 4 will take you directly from Montparnasse to Gare de l'Est.