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Train travel with Deutsche Bahn

Hi all. I'm new to train travel in Germany and have two basic questions before I book train tickets for my upcoming trip. 1. When traveling by train in Germany, is there a security checkpoint that one passes through prior to boarding? 2. If there is a security check, how much time should I allow for that? I like to give myself plenty of time when navigating new situations and I don't want to find myself dashing to catch my train at the last minute! Thanks in advance.

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638 posts

I've never experienced any type of security checkpoints either. Seems kind of ironic when one thinks about it. As you said you're new to train travel in Germany, so that brought up one thing in my mind. Your luggage, it is stored at the end of each car, you can put it closer on some trains, there are spaces behind some seats, the overhead bins usually aren't big enough. I recommend getting some type of cable lock for security, or at the very least keep a close eye on your bags while the train is in any station.

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19239 posts

In hundreds of train trips in Germany, I have never gone through a security check before boarding. I guess it would be possible if there were a sudden rash of terrorism on trains, but it has never happened in my experience.

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27 posts

Thank you for the replies. I wasn't sure if I needed to arrive at the train station extra early like we all have to do with air travel these days. Sounds like train travel is a much simpler affair and I'm certainly looking forward to the train experience. Appreciate the extra advice on storing my luggage - I'll definitely consider some type of lock as I tend to suffer from luggage separation anxiety:)