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Train tickets from SNCF

Is there a way to navigate through the website if you don't speak French?

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8293 posts

Usually there is a little British flag that you can click on to get the English version. Look at the top of the page.

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6898 posts

It's not at the top of the page. You need to scroll down before you see it. It's on the left edge. Pick and English speaking country or it will change languages on you.

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157 posts

When you switch to English, only a small fraction of the site is viewed. I've found that it pays to explore the whole site in French, then see what parts you are not getting in English.

If you are stuck, can help you over the rough spots!

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213 posts

I found this out through GREAT difficulty and a lot of time (you're not the only ones this is happening to). Not only do you need to click the British flag; it will appear that nothing has happened, then you need to select "consulter le plan du site" in the paragraphs just above the British flag. Now you'll be at a new page (also in French). There you'll select "Resevation billet train" one of the choices near the top left. Suddenly you're at an English page where you can select all your train choices. This worked for me every time, except once that last page came out with French at the bottom and English at the top?! I still don't understand why a country with such a wonderful rail system has such a terrible user unfriendly website? Good luck!

Posted by
875 posts

Thanks, I will try the website again, and I know I'll be using the freetranslation site between now and my departure. I appreciate your help!