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Train Station lockers are not lodging

Just in case you were wondering. This from Reuters:

German police had to rescue a 20-year-old man from a train station suitcase locker after he shut himself in for fun and began to suffocate.

After a night out drinking with friends, squeezing into the locker had seemed like an amusing idea to the man, police in the southwestern city of Ludwigshafen said Friday.

But the laughter faded when he started to run out of oxygen and his companions couldn't open the locker. Police broke open the door and dragged the groggy man to safety.

Posted by
324 posts

Good information to keep in mind. Thanks for that.

Posted by
223 posts

OK Brad, I'm crossing train station lockers off my Cheap Sleeps list.

Posted by
2193 posts

Had he been thinking more clearly, he would have kept his straw from all of the drinking he did earlier. Then, he could have employed it like a snorkel to get fresh air from outside of the locker. Then again, his friends might have just plugged it up with chewing gum for fun, and he would have ended up in the same boat anyway. Dang it!

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9109 posts

I hope RyanAir doesn't hear about this, otherwise they could very well get into the hotel business!

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15961 posts

The Japanese do it....they call them "capsule" hotels!!! Not much bigger than a locker.

Posted by
15961 posts

Ryanair would only allow you to make reservations on their website, and then charge you for it.

If you want a pillow or a blanket, they'll charge you for it. They'll charge you to use the communal toilet. They'll charge you to check-in (on the web). They'll charge you to check-out (on the web). They'll charge you if they overcharge you and you complain. They'll charge you for even considering staying in their locker. In fact, they just emailed me...I'm being charged for mentioning their name on this BB.

Whoops...double charged for telling you about it. I'd better stop.

Posted by
10507 posts

I guess next time I'm in Germany I'll spring for a hotel.