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train or car to rothenburg then onto Basel

We will be traveling to Basel for a river cruise. We would like to fly in 2 days early and see rothenburg. Would it be easier to take a train from the airport or rent a car.
Does anyone have advice?

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313 posts

Karla, I would recommend renting a car. I don't recall the specifics, as it has been a couple of years since we were there, but taking the train to Rothenburg from Frankfurt takes 2 or 3 trains. We didn't want to rent a car, but it cost us the ability to see other towns in the area. There are lots of other small towns and castles nearby worth exploring that are too difficult to reach by train. Plus, for us being from Washington State, the scenery that the train afforded wasn't that unusual from what we are used to. We enjoy driving, particularly on the secondary roads of Europe, as you run across lots of small towns and scenery that you can't see anywhere else. Getting back to the area with a car is a on our list of future trips.

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2193 posts

While I would normally recommend rail for most places in Germany, I would drive from Frankfurt in this case just because it's so easy and quick without the hassle of train changes. It's autobahn all the way. You'll drive right by Wurzburg...a must-see stop to see the Residenz palace. In my opinion, it's among the best in all of Europe and is third in my list behind Versailles and Schonnbrun (I'll see the Royal Palace in Madrid later this year, and I'm sure that may move the Wurzburg Residenz into fourth place). I believe the ceiling fresco by Tiepolo is the largest in Europe. You can't miss it...amazing. Visiting will only take a couple of hours away from your short drive to Rothenburg.

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3 posts

Thank you! Your advice is great. We will rent a car
and which will enable to stop along the way.

Does anyone know how long the drive will take from
Rothenburg to Basel?

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2193 posts

Check for driving directions, distance, maps, and trip time. You can find very good road maps at Barnes & Noble. Don't forget to take a break and see the Wurzburg Residenz. Happy travels!

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19233 posts

I would definitely look at using the trains.

  1. It should be a lot less expensive by train. FRA (if that is actually to where you are flying) to Rothenburg will cost you about €40 for two people if you use local tickets to Kahl am Main and a Bayern-Ticket from there. If you book in advance (kind of what you have to do to reserve a car for sure) from Rothenburg to Basel, it can be as low as €58 for two. That's €98 all the way; you'll pay almost that much for fuel for a car, not to mention the cost of renting it for 2-3 days and maybe a drop-off fee to leave it in a different country.

  2. Against the convenience of being able to stop on the way, I would compare the luxury of being able to sit back and relax, watch the scenery, not worry about traffic or getting lost, walk around in a big train coach, use the bathroom, compared to being cooped up in a tiny European compact car for half a day.

  3. It's the experience. We go everywhere by car in this country. Going by train is something you usually can't do in this country.

  4. By train will take a little more time, but don't forget with a rental car you have to find the office, take time filing out the forms, then spend time returning the car and getting to your destination when you arrive in Basel.

  5. Most advertised rental car costs don't include CDW. Supposedly you can use your credit card for damage coverage, but some have reported that didn't work. In any case, damaging a rental car will be a hassle. With the train, no hassle.

  6. Lastly, you are planning to do all this in the first two days after arriving, with jet lag. I've fallen asleep before on the train the day of arrival. No big deal; at most I would miss my stop. In a car, BIG PROBLEM!

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19233 posts

Oh, BTW. I was in Würzburg a year ago. I visited both the Festung Marienberg and the Residenz. The Residenz was gross. Just an overly gawdy Bishop's residence. (If this was how he handled poverty, I wonder how he handle celibacy.) I thought the Fortress Marienberg was fascinating. In one of the buildings is a model of Würzburg right after allied bombing at the end of the war.

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2193 posts

One of the great things about this forum is the amalgamation of differing opinions that can help you have a wonderful vacation. I suppose one could be influenced by the often unpleasant heritage of politics, church, and state throughout European history to not recommend a particular experience. In my opinion, however, this UNESCO World Heritage site is as worthy as Versailles, Melk Abbey, or the Vatican. It's rococo, and rococo is over-the top. Personally, I prefer the philosophy of Thoreau to that of an 18th century Pope, but I wouldn't miss the Residenz because of it. Perhaps we can agree that the wine, beer, and good food under the tents in the city’s Marktplatz should be enjoyed if you decide to visit Wurzburg.

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19233 posts

The comment about poverty was just a side note. Nothing political. I just really didn't like the Residenz all that much.

I saw both the Residenz and the fortress, Marienberg. If I only had time for one, I would definitely make it Marienberg.

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3 posts

I appreciate everyone's feedback! It is nice get
many opinions on what to see. I think we will be
visiting both places, they both sound interesting.