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Train from Paris to Colmar

I was not planning on booking the train to Colmar ahead of time but I wanted your feedback to get a comfort level. We plan to buy point/point 2nd class tickets the day we depart for Colmar (for the approx. 3.5 hrs trip).

We could buy them a few days ahead while we are in Paris if that might make a difference in securing a particular fast train and/or a guaranteed seat so we do not end up standing for the entire trip but I rarely find that reserving a seat for just a few hours is a must. We will be traveling on a Friday morning. Please let me know your experiences and or suggestions. Thanks.

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3313 posts

I wouldn't worry about it. If you happen to be near the train station, stop in an buy tickets. Otherwise, show up, buy and go.

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4132 posts

I agree with Doug, but would add that if it would absolutely destroy your trip to not make that particular train, book as early as you can.

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54 posts

Hi Guys,
Thanks for the reply. I know what you mean about booking things that make sense. While I have been on many trains, none from Paris so I wanted to see what you thought. I am going to just book it on the day we depart unless we happen to be where we can just take care of it beforehand. We hope to grab an early train but we have all day if we make a mistake.

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157 posts

You can get PREMS tickets to Colmar at a substantial discount ahead of time, but only do that if you want to save a bunch of money. No need to do that for the seat.

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31 posts

Watch out on the time of year when booking a ticket on a Friday- if it is the beginning of a school vacation, you may have problems. This is probably not as relevant at the end of the term, however, because with staggard exams, not everyone leaves the same day. But winter and spring vacations (end of February, end of april, respectively) can really snag an itinerary if you dont book ahead