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Train from Lugano to Interlaken

My proposed itinerary for a 2 week trip in August is as follows:

Arrive in Zurich
Train to Luzern
Train to Lugano/Lucarno
Train to Interlaken/Gimmelwald
Train to Laussane
Train to Geneva/depart

Is this the best itinerary order?
Is the best train route from Lugano/Lucarno to Interlaken best taken back through Luzern, or through Dommodassola and Brig?

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8 posts

We took the train from Lucarno to Interlaken via Dommodassola, you have to switch trains there. Our train was late and no one spoke any english, it wasn't fun. If you go that way make sure you find out in Switzerland what time and track to catch the next train, get a few options as no one will help you there. But once we got on the high speed train to Brig, it was fine and fast!

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6898 posts

You've got a tough one. First, its a 2.5hr train ride from Lucerne to Lugano. Not too bad. However, from Lugano to Interlaken Ost, it's close to a 5hr train ride. Two ways to go. Lugano back to Lucern where you change trains to Interlaken Ost. Or, Lugano to Domodossola then up to Spiez via Brig and then into Interlaken Ost. Note that if you have a Swiss pass or card, any journey from a Swiss city to a Swiss city via Domodossola is covered even though Domodossola is in Italy.