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Train from Hallstatt to Innsbruck?

WE are following the Austria/Bavaria train trip outlined in the Rick Steves book but cannot find trains from Hallstatt to Innsbruck? All I can find is a 8-9 hour bus with many connections. Can anyone help.?

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8700 posts

If you go to the Austrian Rail site, you'll find many departure times and routes. The trip will take 4 1/2 - 5 hours and will involve a minimum of two connections, with at least one leg on a bus.

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19300 posts

The train station for Hallstatt is across the lake from town, so you probably want to take the boat across the lake to start a rail journey to Innsbruck. Alternatively, you can walk the approximately 1 km to Lahn, at the south end of the bypass tunnel around Hallstatt, take a short bus trip to Obertraun Bahnhof, and take a train from there. From Hallstatt Bhf or Obertraun Bhf, you can either go by train via Attnang-Puchheim, on the Vienna to Salzburg line, to Salzburg, and then through Germany to Rosenheim and up the Inn to Innsbruck, or you can take a train to Stainach-Irdning and change there for a train to Innsbruck. A few years ago, I went from Lahn, where I was staying, to Obertraun, and then by train to Hall, a few minutes from Innsbruck, via Stainach. It took me 6h39m including an hour and 20 minutes in Stainach, where I had lunch.

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1633 posts

You may ask yourself, how does Lee get all of this great info? I like to use the DBahn site After you plug in your route, you will get a listing of trains that are possible. If you click on the red arrow on the left of a train schedule, you will get a partial listing of stops. If you click on "show all stops" on that schedule (I believe it's on the bottom), then you will get a full listing of all the stops that the train will make. I like to print off these schedules and take them with me. I often cannot understand or hear what the next stop is and this list helps me to prepare for my stop. Just thought you might want to know. Have a wonderful trip!

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19300 posts

Actually, I do normally use the Bahn website, and the address Denise gave is preferable to just, but the Bahn does not show bus connections in Austria. Austrian Rail,, does. I know I found the bus schedule from Lahn to Obertraun on the Austrian site; I don't know where (German or Austrian Rail) I found the rest of the schedule. But I did do the connection, so I know how it works. And, I used the Austrian Rail website and the bus from Salzburg to Lahn. I went from Salzburg to Bad Ischl by bus so I could stop in Mondsee (SOM wedding church). Then I went from Bad Ischl to Lahn (Hallstatt) by bus because I was staying in Lahn and the bus stop is there, rather than coming to the station on the far side of the lake, then taking the boat across to Hallstatt. From Hallstatt I would have had to find a way to Lahn, a km away.

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8700 posts

In my previous post I gave you a link to the Austrian Rail site and said that you could travel with as few as two connections and make the trip in 4 1/2 - 5 hours. The specific route for doing that is a bus from Hallstatt Lahn to Bad Goisern, a train from there to Attnang-Puchheim, and another train from there to Innsbruck. Depart at 08:18, 10:21, 12:21, 14:21, or 16:21. It's also the cheapest route (€24.00). To see the intermediate stops on the two train legs, use the German Rail site and enter Bad Goisern as your departure point and Innsbruck as your arrival point.

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26 posts

Thank all of you for the help. I was just not looking in the right places.