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Train, Bus or Car in Spain?

My sisters and I are planning to take our Mom to Spain for about 10 days in May. We plan to spend about 4 days in Madrid, about 4 days in Seville, and maybe a night in Granada and another in Cordoba. We'll be doing a few day trips from both Madrid and Seville. Since Mom is getting on in years (I know she will not want me to post her age here!), I'm wondering whether it would be better to rent a car and use it to do the day trips, or if we can use buses and trains instead. I know that the AVE high speed train is a good way to get between Madrid and Seville, but would a car be helpful during our day trips? If you do recommend renting a car, which rental car companies do you suggest? Thanks for your help. Penn

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1178 posts

I vote for the train - less hassle, no parking problems, and the sights from the train are interesting. A car would be fine if you wanted to explore more in a particular area perhaps.

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12313 posts

I'm looking at the same question for a planned trip to Spain in Sept/Oct. Some busses are faster than trains. I'd probably use busses mostly for short hops and trains for the longer hops. I may go with a car too, it depends on how the busses/trains compare on cost with leasing.

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23564 posts

For the sites you have proposed, I would stick to the train or bus. A car just adds a level of complications with parking. Last year we did a ten day into Madrid, Cordoba, Seville, Granada, and home from Malaga

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92 posts

Thanks all. I do recognize that parking can be a pain in the neck in the cities, but I had to ask the question. I think that we will do the train/bus combo, depending upon where we are going. Penn