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Traditional Munich Bar...?

I am trying to ascertain the name of a bar in Munich that my wife and I went to in March '08. If you were to leave the Hofbrauhaus and headed toward the Marienplatz, I believe it was right around the corner. Another couple, locals, said it would be a good, traditional Munich bar. It was a really nice place. Two levels, the second floor being the better and more traditional. Lots of wood, old hunting rifles and deer heads. Small stairs lead to the second floor bar, with a tabled area to the rear. I would love to go back on a future trip.... Thanks.

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18 posts

Thank you to all. I did some other research and found out, and that you are correct. The site even had photo's to confirm. Again, thank you. What a great place. My wife doesn't speak any German. And that night my wife held a three hour conversation with a woman that didn't speak a word of English. Proof that beer is a universal language...