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Tour de France

We will be in France this July and it is my husbands dream to see the Tour de France. Does anyone have any advise? We will be in Paris for the last day but I understand there is no chance of seeing anything unless you buy grandstand seats. Any help would be great.

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82 posts

You can go on the official tour website,
you can see where and when the race goes through all of the stages. We are planning on watching from Provence on the day the tour leaves from Nimes from some to-be-determined spot with a picnic ready!

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365 posts

Lori, it's possible to see the tour in Paris without buying grandstand seats. You have to arrive several hours early and find a spot on the Champs Elysees at the edge of the barricades. We have done this as well as witnessing a stage in Belgium and can tell you this: it's more anticlimactic than you think. For example, unless you are watching a TV of some kind, you don't know what's happening and the racers go by so fast. On the Champs Elysees, they whip by and then you wait quite a while until they come by on the next lap. Bring plenty of water, and toilet access is an issue. If you are motivated and slightly "hardcore", the inconveniences and so forth may not be a factor. The day we attended we had our two small (then) boys in tow and it was an extremely hot day. For a solid two hours before the racers arrive, there's an endless procession of wheeled advertising. It's quite a show.

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9436 posts

We watched the last stage in Paris which I think is the best because they go around 10 times so you get to really see them. The Champs-Elysee is really packed, we watched from the Tuilleries Gardens which was good but I would recommend standing on rue de Rivoli because you will have access to bathrooms in the many cafe's there. We had to stand in our "spot" for about 3 hrs before the riders actually got there and it was very, very hot (wear sunscreen) and like another poster wrote, be sure to bring lots of water with you. I don't think you can buy grandstand seats, those are for the press, officials, the politicians and their families. It was very, very fun for us but that was when Lance was racing.

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506 posts

Grand stand seats are okay - but expensive. Typically many of the packages will offer a lunch etc. - seats only a few and items can be expensive. You can google for packages.

To be honest, I typically watch on the TV then leave when they riders are about 90 KM out from Paris - take the Metro and go to Franklin Roosevelt and walk up towards Louis Vuitton (Geroge V metro). Typically you can find a place along here to stand. Because it is on the hill you can often find benches, ledges etc. to get higher etc. Plus you can see them coming and going - and they are FAST !!!

The riders will pass 8 times and you typically will know when they have come into Paris because of the helicopters sudden arrival. The big time to watch is the first lap - tradition is that the lead team is given the front for the lap - and the speed is minimal - great picture time.

Following the finish - typically walk down hill a bit to see the awards. Bon chance !!