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Toulouse Lodging

Hello, My wife and I are traveling to southern France next fall. We will start the trip with a couple of days in Toulouse. We are looking for a budget ( hopefully no more than $100/night) lodging that is quiet, clean, comfortable and easily accessible from the airport shuttle. Someone suggested Hotel Heliot and Hotel Albert1er. Is anyone familiar with either these hotels or can you recommend others? We are not sure of our itinerary, but will likely be cycling in Rousillion, Languedoc and possibly the Massif Central. Any recommendations for towns to visit, scenic roads, and sites of interest? Thanks for your help.

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10322 posts

For Toulouse, and other areas, you may want to look at the Logis chain of independently owned hotels. Some have restaurants. You'll get more response to your second question if it is asked as a separate thread with its own separate title instead of burying it under the first question.

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6 posts

Hello Bets,
Thanks for the suggestions. We will check out Logis. We stayed in one of their facilities a few years ago in the Dordogne. Jeff