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Top three days in Amsterdam???

Hi,, I am planning my trip to Paris and I have a friend who wants to join me. She wants do " do another country" for 2-3 days,, and since her vacation will only be 10 days on the ground,, we want to keep it close and easy,, her choice is Amsterdam.

I haven't been there since 1985. All I recall is Anne Franks House( a highlight) windmills( ho hum) and the red light district and "coffee" houses( interesting)
Was in Holland as a child and did the rounds of cheese factories, wooden shoe factories, and Delf paintings demonstrations( hey I was with my granny) ..

So.. if you had 3 days in Amsterdam,, how would you fill them.

Anne Franks house is a must,, but otherwise I am open to ideas,, what are the top museums?

Personally I wish I could convince friend London might be a better choice,,( since i love museums and there are tons there) but I am trying to make her happy.

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875 posts

Since I'm an only child, I tend to be more "selfish" about these things. It sounds like it is basically your trip and a friend has invited herself?? If so, I would still give my preferences priority while trying to show her the many advantages of London and explaining that in your opinion Amsterdam is really not worth your money/time. Trips to Europe are too expensive to return home with regrets that you could have prevented.

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1568 posts

We did the following:
Anne Frank's House the took the canal taxi to the Rijksmuseum, then walked to the Van Gough Museum...the walked the Rembrant (?) lost coming out of that museum and got lost in the Red Light district.

Amsterdam is a nice city to just wonder around.

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9109 posts

Head over to to see what temporary exhibits peak your interest.

My favorite museums are:

  1. the brand new Hermitage Amsterdam's largest art museum.

  2. WWII resistance museum, excellent companion to the Anne Frank House.

  3. Tropical Museum. Exhibits about the third world countries/cultures. The exhibits are beautiful! The botanical gardens are next door.

  4. Royal Palace

  5. FOAM photography museum.

  6. Temporary exhibits at the Old Church, and New Church. Every summer the Old Church (Oude Kerk) hosts the World Press Photo show. Which is the top show for photojournalism, showing the top photos from the past 12 months. This is always the "must see" exhibit every summer.

  7. The Amsterdam Historical Museum

  8. The brand new City Library.

  9. Rijks Museum

  10. Van Gough Museum

In the evening be sure to check out the Boom Chicago imorov comedy club. It features up and coming comedians from the US and Canada.