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Top European destinations?

They are as follows: Paris, Rome, London, and Barcelona. For those who have visited all four do you agree?

Posted by
19352 posts

I've only visited Paris and London, but neither one would make my top 50 list. How is this measured, by total visits by anyone, or by visits by Americans? Sometimes I think most Americans have only heard of Paris, Rome, London, and Barcelona. By the way, I've been following "Tourist Scam Alerts" for years, and, except for London, those cities also top the scam list.

Posted by
32419 posts

Jerry, I'm assuming the list of "top destinations" you're referring to the recent survey on Trip Advisor? I do agree that Paris, Rome and London should be on the list (though perhaps not in that order, but that's only my opinion), as they're all incredible cities. There's an enormous amount of history in each one and so many things to see and do. Even after a number visits I've still only barely "scratched the surface" in terms of things to see and do in each one. Cheers!

Posted by
3696 posts

Been to all(most more than 4 or 5 times ) and none would make my top list either...glad I have been there, done that, but when I see people's itinerary hopping from city to city I am glad I'm on my own agenda... even as far as cities I would put Budapest above all those listed (just my opinion...don't care to hear how I must be missing something)

Posted by
2023 posts

Agree-Paris, London, and Rome are the big three.

Posted by
9336 posts

Where is Berlin on this list? Or Edinburgh? Or Amsterdam? Or Vienna? Rome for sure, but just wasn't all that enchanted with Paris. It has been too many years since I was in London, but it would be on my list of favorites. Everyone has different tastes, so saying anything is the "top 10 or the best" is going to really depend on the person.

Posted by
19352 posts

Typical Tripadvisor. All promotion, no substance. Where did they get their data? Probably number of booking on their lackeys, and So, the more people figure out how to avoid getting screwed by high cost accommodations, the lower the cities falls in their rating.

Posted by
5932 posts

I've visited all 4. London, Paris, and Rome must be in my top as I've visited all multiple times. Barcelona would not make the cut for me. But this is very personal. It appears that this is from the TripAdvisor "readers choice" survey. People vote on this. You will always get most popular or most well known in a list like this.

Posted by
8293 posts

Paris, London, Rome and Barcelona. Nah. Barcelona should not be on the list as fourth, seventh or eighth maybe. Berlin, Prague, Amsterdam, and Florence come ahead of Barcelona in my estimation.

Posted by
358 posts

Here is my list. 1. Paris 2. Rome 3. London 4. Amsterdam (spring time) 5. Venice 6. Prague 7. Dubrovnik 8. Bruges 9. Florence
10. *Barcelona (plan on visiting in oct 2012)

Posted by
296 posts

Trip Advisor? Yes, that is where I read the list.

Posted by
9336 posts

Gosh Lee, this is about visiting cities and their attractions and not about hotels. Give it a break here with the TA dissing. The forums there, (which cover the entire world by the way), are a valuable tool for many planners. Just cause it doesn't list your favorite hole-in the wall guest rooms or B&B in some town that very few people are visiting in the first place, doesn't mean the website is worthless.

Posted by
1806 posts

"I've only visited Paris and London, and neither one would make my top 50 list". Sorry Lee, I don't think it counts when you're just passing through the airport gift shop on your way to catch a flight to Germany.

Posted by
2193 posts

It's a good thing I took a health break a minute ago, because I almost p_ _ _ed my pants after reading James' reply. Barcelona might make the top ten, but London, Paris, and Rome will make any top 10 list no matter what. And it's not like a bunch of Americans control the top ten...these three cities have been in the top tier for a couple hundred years. And what's up with constantly busting on tripadvisor? Yeah, most tourists would rather spend their two weeks staying in some old lady's house in BFE Bavaria (you know, the "real" Germany) than experiencing three of the top cities in the world. Whatever. Perhaps it's time to check into a home.

Posted by
296 posts

Rome and Paris along with Munich are neat visits for sure. I hope to make it to Prague and that part of the world this September. But I for one have no problems with the list that they posted. Same for the US picks. San Francisco is #1 with me. Then shoot u/down RT 1.

Posted by
15250 posts

I have only been to two out these 4: Paris and London, both of which make my top 5 list, four them capitals: Paris, Berlin, Vienna, London, each of them fascinating and captivating in its own way, which make for repeated visits. After all, it's Paris and...Berlin too. They have to be on the top list. I use sometimes, mainly for their evaluations and promo offers too. I never use Trip Advisor, don't trust their evaluations and don't agree with them a lot of the time.

Posted by
2876 posts

Personally I think we're too obsessed with lists and with ranking things. Everywhere you look we have top 10 this and top 10 that. Who cares? Every place is different - isn't that why we travel? The fun is in the exploring and the discovery. If you like a place better than I do, or I like it better than you do, so what?

Posted by
3696 posts

@Tom...because my place is better than your place....:) @the grumps...Seriously, is this a site of grownups or is this the place Rick puts all the 'grumps' that he won't let go on his trips. One of my grandkids read this and said it sounded like my 83 year old mother and her 92 year old sister bickering!

Posted by
2855 posts

I don't think Tom was being grumpy. He was arguing against bickering and saying to each his own. How is that grumpy?

Posted by
263 posts

I've been to Paris 3 times, London twice, Rome once, and Barcelona once. I agree with the others that London, Paris, and Rome are the big three (Rick says the same). I have no personal desire to ever go back to Barcelona - I liked Madrid much better, but overall Spain wasn't really for me. My Top 6 are as follows: 1: Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland 2: Paris 3: London 4: Rome 5: Amsterdam
6: Vienna

Posted by
3696 posts

I did not mean that Tom was grumpy...that is why I left such a big space between comments...Now, I have clarified and addressed second comment directly to the grumps...Sorry Tom (I was being sarcastic and agreeing with you)

Posted by
105 posts

Aside from all that, my top ten would include the Alsace and Dordogne regeions in France, the Cinque Terre (#1), and Tuscany in Italy. We prefer smaller towns to big cities. The Big Ones need to be seen, of course, to gather history, culture and pure adventure but, still like the "off the beaten path" places much better. I find the people friendlier, the food better and the costs lower. Just my opinion! Also, Achkensee? and Zell am Ziller in Germany.

Posted by
989 posts

It's all a matter of personal taste and there is no right or wrong and no better or worse. Since we're all injecting our personal opinions I'm a big-city kind of girl here in North America, and can say the same about Europe too. I like to drive or train through the countryside and see the small picturesque towns and villages - but don't necessarily want to spend an extended amount of time in them.
And of course, there are exceptions to this.

Posted by
977 posts

Of all the BIG cities I have visited on this list, personally, London is the one I would revisit. Blessed to have visited the others and experienced what they have to offer, but no desire to return.
Smaller cities and regions excite me so much more.

Posted by
9336 posts

????????? Well, smack me down. Here I thought I have been visiting cities with 1000's of years of history and art and beautiful to boot. Guess I was wrong, if Tuscany is the only one that has those things.

Posted by
676 posts

I've been to London, Paris and Rome several times each, only once to Barcelona, not sure I'd include that one. Has no one been to Stockholm?? I LOVED that city!

Posted by
566 posts

I've been to all a few times at least. I go to Rome at least once a year as it's by far my favorite, but Paris is becoming a close contender with every visit. I never tire of London and LOVE Barcelona so I think I would probably somewhat agree with the list, but I'm a city girl too. I think I'm one of the few here that feels that way about Barcelona. TA seems to have a more accurate sample of the traveling population, which is a good thing if you don't exactly fit the Rickster mold like me. This community has a more homogeneous opinion on where to go and what to do, which is great if one of the destinations you are going to is in the blue book as you will get some great seasoned advice. I'm still trying to come to terms on how Bordeaux isn't even given an honorable mention or even a shout-out in the blue bible.

Posted by
222 posts

RE: Bordeaux -- Rick has said that if someone offered him a free trip to Bordeaux he'd stay homr and clean out the refrigerator.