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Toledo to Sevilla - tight connections in Madrid

Looking to buy tickets Toledo to Sevilla. There are trains that arrive in Madrid at :58, and trains to Sevilla that depart at the following :00. Does anyone know if these are coordinated so that you can just jump off one and onto the other? Seems unlikely, but thought I'd ask. Otherwise, the wait time is either approximately 30 or 60 minutes, depending on the choice of train from Toledo.
Thanks for your help! Scott

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984 posts

You have no chance of making this connection with a two minute window. Even if you were 'the Flash' the doors on the Seville train would already be closed.

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12315 posts

Is it the same train? The trains pull into Atoche, stop a few minutes (usually about five minutes) to pick up/drop off, then start up again. You may be able to make a train right across a platform (get on the train, then find your coach/seat) but not if you have to go up an escalator then back down to another platform. Unless I was sure it was one of the two situations above, I'd give myself the 30 minute window - which is more than enough.

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23652 posts

Cannot do it and the train is not across the platform. Most likely you will to taking the high speed to Seville. The platforms for all high speed trains are secure. You have to pass through a security and bag x-ray point. So plan on a 30 min wait.

Posted by
38 posts

I hadn't thought of the security lines. Will 30 minutes be enough? Or should I plan on an hour?
Thanks, Scott

Posted by
3299 posts

You cannot just transfer directly from one train to another across the platforms at Atocha. That would be like walking from one airplane to another without going into the terminal. You have to go up and back around to the boarding area. No worries about security lines, you just drop you bags on the machine and pick them up at the other side. There may be a few other people but no long line. Thirty minutes should be enough. We passes up a fifteen minute connection and were sorry because we could have made it. But you can't count on that. There are two departure lounges, one above the other and you have to figure out whichnis the correct one for your Sevilla train ( short answer,probably the upper one but check to be sure).

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4535 posts

Personally I would choose an hour. 30 minutes doesn't give you much time for error. If your inbound train is delayed or you have a hard time finding your new platform. Plus the time it takes to dis-embark and fight through the crowd slowly going up the escalator, etc... Plus they close the doors about 5 minutes before departure. The AVE does require a simple security check and they recommend giving yourself 30 minutes prior to departure. It doesn't take near that long 9 times out of 10, but you never know what might be going on that day.

Posted by
38 posts

OK, I got my Madrid to Sevilla tix (RENFE actually worked!). Do I need to buy the Toledo --> Madrid tix ahead of time? It's just the Avant train, so I don't expect it to sell out, and there is no web discount. Should I buy just so I have it in hand?
Thanks, Scott

Posted by
17578 posts

I would----just because it is so much fun to buy on Renfe! ;)
(Also saves standing in line when you get to Spain). Did you get a Web fare on Madrid to Sevilla?