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Toledo Knives On Train

I plan to be in Toledo in the spring and want to bring back a good set of kitchen knives. I have checked with the airline and they can be carried in checked luggage. My question comes from the fact that I am aware the railroad inspects all luggage when it is taken on the train.

Any ideas will be appreciated.

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1158 posts

First which Toledo are you talking about? OH or Spain?
I've never heard of luggage being inspected.
Have you check with the railways office?

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1178 posts

It is Toledo, apology for not being clear in my post.


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331 posts

Wouldn't it be easier to have them shipped back home? No worries with baggage checks, and you wont have to carry them.

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23542 posts

The railroads do NOT x-ray all luggage. Only luggage for the AVE (high speed) trains are always checked in Spain. The regional and local trains do not check luggage. Only bags are screen and not the person. It appears (not total sure of this statement) that all luggage is checked in Madrid. They are looking for bombs and not knives. We carry a folding knife with a 5" blade in our picnic pack and it has never been questioned. And you will have no problems in the US if it is checked.

The one thing that we did notice is that there appears to be more control over who has access to the train platforms which is great cause it cuts down on pickpockets working the station platforms.