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I'm going to be in Spain the second week of August, with a home base of Madrid. I'm wondering if i decide to do an overnight in Toledo if it would it be easy enough to get into town and find a place to stay or is it better to book in advance?

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3551 posts

For sure book in advance it is peak season in Aug.

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51 posts

Thanks for the reply. I wasn't sure if it was going to be peak tourist season just because of the heat. I would prefer to go in the spring or fall myself but August is what i have to work with, i'm sure it'll still be great though.

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1994 posts

It's a great idea to spend a night in Toledo instead of just a day trip. It has a totally different feel once day travelers have gone home, and it's a lovely city for wandering. I spent 10 days there on one trip (I love el Greco) and it was great.

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80 posts

I agree with the above. Book ahead for Toledo. You don't want to be walking from place to place with luggage up-and-down the STEEP hills of Toledo. Plus, it's DARN HOT in Toledo - even hotter than Madrid many times! You'll like Toledo at night when many of the tourists go back to Madrid and the old downtown is quiet. Sincerely, Saludos, MadridMan - AND BarcelonaMan, An American in Madrid, @ you-know-where!