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Toilets for women in Paris

A previous posting dealt with the problem of women using public toilets in Paris. Does anyone remember what was said or have experience. I recall that there was some
worry about it. Thanks.

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345 posts

I can confirm that there are toilets for women in Paris....I've seen them.

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1068 posts

I can confirm that there are toilets for women in Paris... I've used them! :D

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33502 posts

Sometimes, in Paris, men and women share the same toilets. I've both seen and used them.

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33502 posts

Monsieur Pipi Trying to remember one. Usually a Madame. Sometimes (Andechs near Munich, the toilets at the top of the car park (not a top score there) jumps to mind) there may be a Monsieur sitting off to the side puffing on a Gitane or something cheaper, in a white vest, watching the Madames doing the work. Come to think of it, the same in Arromanches-les-Bains, at the underground toilet near the museum.

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1850 posts

Encountered M. Pipi at the Luxembourg Gardens, June, 2010. He reluctantly accepted two American dollars, since I had no euro coins and only a 20 euro note. Moral: skip breakfast coffee!

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1178 posts

Important for MEN and WOMEN
Carry some tissues with you at all times, no matter the country you are in....sometimes there is a total lack of TP in the facilities!!!

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1850 posts

And be sure you have coins with you. Madame Pipi or Monsieur Pipi will not let you in without paying and doesn't make change (at least not the ones I encountered).

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15771 posts

The best public toilets in Paris are, according to RS, in front of Notre Dame Cathedral (below ground). From personal experience, the line can be long. The most beautiful public toilets in Paris are at the Place de la Madeleine, also below ground. The best toilets near the Champs Elysees are in any of the best hotels. But that is true anywhere. And they will never refuse to let you use them.