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Ticket Musee d'Orsay

I would like to go to Museum d'Orsay during my stay in Paris. I can either purchase the ticket on that day or do it online and pick up the ticket in the withdraw point destination.

Please find the withdraw point destination on this site:

I am living 10 minutes away from Eiffel Tower and do not know if I am near any of the withdraw point destination.

Could you let me know if I have to wait in line (LONG LINE) for the ticket if I choose to get it on the same day?

Or should I purchase the ticket on line and go to the withdraw point location. If so, which location should I go to?

Btw, I will be arriving in Paris-Nord from London. If there's a nearby withdraw point location, please let me know. I didn't see it on the site.

Thank you,

Posted by
264 posts

There are never long lines at the Musee D'Orsay; all the lines are across the river at the Louvre! Have a great time.

Posted by
12040 posts

I disagree, in my experience in three visits to the Orsay at different times of the year, the line was always quite long. Not as long as the Louvre or Pomidou center, but definately not negligible either.

Judy, what do you mean by "withdraw point"?

Another option if you want to avoid a long line. If you will visit several museums or monuments in Paris, consider buying the Paris Museum Pass. This allows you to bypass the main ticket lines, which is usually the choke-point for entering the museums. The Orsay even has a separate ticket desk, at a separate entrance for purchasing the Museum Pass.

Posted by
80 posts

I plan on visiting just Orsay.

Another name for withdraw destination is "pick up shop." It is the store we go to to pick up our ticket.

The list is quite long and I cannot submit it here.

I don't know if I live near one and/or will pass one by as I come into Paris. I just don't want to go out of my way (and spend one hour) looking for the shop that holds my ticket.

Thank you!

Posted by
4555 posts

The website you leave does not go to the "withdraw point" list. Since we don't know where you are staying, and we don't know where these pickup points are, it's pretty hard to tell you whether you are close to them or not. Perhaps use Google maps ( to compare the address of your hotel with the addresses of the pickup spots, and you should be able to find out. I, too, would suggest you get your ticket beforehand....I've seen long lineups at the Orsay more times than not.

Posted by
191 posts

Why not take in the Orangerie as well, by purchasing a "combination" ticket for the Orangerie and the d'Orsay. The Orangerie collections dovetail perfectly with the d'Orsay, consisting of 8 huge waterlilies by Monet and the remainder consisting of what was once the private collection of an art dealer. Go to the Orangerie first, only a bag check line to slow you down, buy your ticket for, if memory serves, 13 Euro. After touring the Orangerie walk to the d'Orsay in a few minutes and go right in with your ticket already in hand.

Posted by
80 posts

Thank you for the advice!

Btw, google map is the best thing on earth :D They even estimate/plan your walk time for think that I have been planning my trip without knowing that such a tool existed!

Posted by
8700 posts

If you follow up on Tom's excellent idea for a combination ticket for the Musee d'Orsay and the Musee de l'Orangerie, be aware that the combo is only good Wednesday-Sunday.

If you want to see still more works by Monet, including water lily paintings, visit the Musee Marmottan.

Posted by
80 posts

My goodness...thank you for letting me know about the Wed-Sunday deal!! I am staying in Paris only on June 1, 2009 Monday.

I do wonder if I should go to the museum though. I am going to the real Monet's garden the very next day.

Posted by
264 posts

Be aware there are no Monet originals at his home and gardens.

Posted by
80 posts

Yup! I re-arranged my schedule and saved 7 hours in Paris on Wednesday!

Yipppie---Orsay museum, Orange museum, and Opera house--here I come :D

Posted by
238 posts

combination ticket for the Musee d'Orsay and the Musee de l'Orangerie, be aware that the combo is only good Wednesday-Sunday.

can you buy to combo tickest at th Museum l Oraangerie?
That sounds like a plan

whee can you but the paris museum Pass?



Posted by
4555 posts

Stew....see the Paris museum pass home page for a list of places it's sold.

Posted by
191 posts

Stew, I assume you can purchase your combo ticket at either museum. The Orangerie is much smaller and probably fewer visitors. We went first to the Orangerie (on a Wednesday by the way) and had a very short line to contend with. Also all state museums, such as the Louvre and the two we are talking about here are closed on Tuesdays. The Marmottan-Monet is open on Tuesdays though. So if you do as we did, the Marmottan on Tuesday, the Orangerie and d'Orsay on Wednesday. The Marmottan is one of my favorite small museums, if only for the building itself, an old hunting lodge, located further out and a nice walk through a park to get there.