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Thoughts on St Malo vs Paris?

We are travelling to Europe in March. At this stage we will stay 4N in Paris, 2N in St Malo, 2N on Jersey, 1N Le Mans and then London. There are limited ferry days/times to/from Jersey also limited trains (from the west) to London because that travel day will be a Sunday. We have all been to Paris before and whilst I love it, my companions don't so much. Is it worth giving up a night in Paris and adding it to St Malo at that time of year? Thoughts on le Mans, which is really just a place to spend the night? Thanks

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345 posts

We enjoyed St. Malo on our way through Normandy after being in Brittany. We stayed in a Mercure in St. Malo which was within walking distance to the walled city. Seeing the old city was very interesting. At that time, the Mercures gave discounts to those who were 55 and older. It seems if you are back-tracking if you are going from Paris to St. Malo, Jersey, then Le Mans before going to London. Do you need to go to Le Mans? Are there ferries from Jersey to England? What about Giverny or Mont St. Michel on your way to St. Malo after Paris? Have fun regardless of your stops!

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9110 posts

I don't know how Le Mans got in the middle of all of that. It's okay, the cathedral is pretty good, and the old part is fairly interesting with half-timbered buildings and such. The only problem is that the old part (with the cathedral and such) is a good mile from where I THINK the railroad station is. Assuming that you're using trains (which I don't), I think there's one that goes straight from Paris to St Malo and the rest change in Rennes. If that's the case, I'd stop in Rennes if you need to stop; otherwise I'd take the non-stopper if it really exists. St Malo is one of my favorite places, not the least of which is for the grub. But, an afternoon and an evening is more than enough. The area within the walls is small and the most interesting part of that is tiny.

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1320 posts

If you're considering Giverny, Monet's house doesn't open for the season until April 1.

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345 posts

I'm very sorry, Robyn! I skipped over the small detail of the month when you will be traveling. :( It does make a difference! Grier caught the mistake I made with the suggestion of Giverny since it doesn't open until April 1.

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4174 posts

In general, I agree with what everyone else has said so far, unless you want to visit the race track in Le Mans, home of one of the most famous races in the world. You can see the museum which is focused on the 24 Hours of Le Mans race and the history of the motor car (, walk around the circuit on your own ( with a map or take a guided tour in a minibus ( I included all these links because they are somewhat hidden on the site. You can get there by TGV train from Paris in an hour. Click on the How to Go to the Circuit link at the bottom of any of the pages, for links to the train, bus and tram schedules.

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39 posts

Many thanks for the various replies. I wasn't very happy with the backtracking we were doing, but couldn't see any other way as I had looked into the ferry to the UK and decided it wasn't the best option. I then realised I hadn't looked into flying from Jersey. I had briefly looked into flying to there from England, but thought it was a bit problematic, but it looks like it will be a good option for getting to London.